Thursday, July 24, 2008

MY Garden

You have given me a glorious Garden to tend
You have breathed the essence of life into my fields
Given knowledge where ignorance once was
As you have shown me how to plow my fields

As I have tried to plow each row straight
Some have been with a twist here and there
Tending to weeds and much loved seedlings
Giving life nutrients to each delicate plant

Some of my weeds have grown thorns, causing me great pain
Filling me with doubt, as I grasp to pull them from my garden
Lesson’s taught each day
Fighting to keep my garden free so as not to be barren

I can’t help but wonder, as I look to the Heavens
Watching for storm clouds, my first sprinkle of rain
The sprout of my first seedling
When will I see the fruit of my labor?

As my growing season comes to an end
And my garden has given up her bounty
And as I draw nearer to your shore
It is You, My Lord, I say thank you too

©Tobie Haga Roy