Saturday, December 31, 2005

31, 2005
It’s the New Year once again, and I’m right where I was this time last year. No advancement, no gain except that I am older. A little wiser in some ways and a little sadder that my children are so far away, I am thankful for the great friends of the Internet World. I make no New Years Resolutions, as I would only break them. I will make this one promise to myself only, that I improve my life in some way. Reckon a path will open and hopefully I choose wisely this year.
My wish for those I love is to live good, pure in heart as can be done in these times and for the safety of my precious Troy to return home. A new Grandchild will be born this year and I pray for Sarah’s health and the health of the new one. Hopefully my daughter will visit and my precious girl’s who filled my life with so much joy will come for a visit.Out there in my Internet world, I pray Carolyn finds her new home and Bob doesn’t have to drive so far. I pray John will sell his paintings and Easywriter will write a book. I pray for my friends in Port to have a wonderful year and that David will return from Afghanistan.
Enjoy this view of the Oregon Coast line; let its dreams fill your heart , as it washes away the old and brings renewed hope with new found peace for now and always. God Bless all our Servicemen and Women who are far from home. Happy New Year All. Welcome to January 1,

Sunday, December 18, 2005

A Mothers Prayer

She sits quietly along with her thoughts

A child far away is drawing her heart
Tugging the threads that bound them

Weaving words of love that run silently
Asking for protection and guidance for him
This day, as she feels his spirit close

Wisdom has taught her patience
Prayer has given her solace
As she ask God to watch over him

A tear falls down her cheek
As she ask that if it is to be
Please spare her son ,for she has lived

She is satisfied with her works here
He has much left to do
A wife and children wait for him

As a warm comfort comes over her
She utters a small sound
His will be done this day I pray
© Tobie Haga Roy

Picture by © Robert Pollerana

Thursday, December 15, 2005

The loneliness of my earthly being
Seeks comfort from my Heavenly Lord
Arms that once held a child
Have now turned to emptiness

Giggles that turned to laughter
Now gone far away
Emptiness settles at night
Where once laugher was

Chores once done with happiness
Now lay to be done
Silence fills the hearth

As dinner passes

Day is ended when darkness comes
Blue skies turned grey
Loom over my being
As I seek thy comfort Lord
Art Work by
© John Sparks

Friday, December 09, 2005

I'm just a crazy old woman some days and yep you guessed it this is one of'um. Thought I would share a big chunk of my heart and pictures of my son and his Bridage leaving Fort Carson. I was there in March and snow was on the ground then and I liked to have froze watching his Dad pin his new rank of Staff Sergeant (SSG). As you can tell I am really proud of him, he joined the Army after going back to school and getting his diploma (he had quit earlier cause of

his dad) He turned 18 right after that and joined, much to my broken heart. He is now 28, with a wife and 3 little children, a son and 2 girls. he says the Army is his home and he loves it a lot and that he owes the Army for making him what he is. Now how can I disagree with that. He believes in his Commander and his and his men's skills. This will be his second tour and he will be in the area of Balaad, (part of the horrible Triangle)

He is in a big old Bradley fighting vehicle and they are called the Fighting Eagles and lordy they can be loud, take my word for it He believes that each of you for which he serves, has the right to a voice, all he ever asks is give him and his fellow Soldiers the same respect. He believes very strongly in finishing the ones who have given the utmost sacrifice and those wounded.

So while his life will be rough this next year, think of the Soldiers away from loved ones and keep them in your heart and prayers. And by the way thanks for putting up with a crazy old woman.

Thursday, December 08, 2005

While I stand on your shore
I hear the crashing waves call to me
I yearn for the beauty and strength you possess
Carry me with you as night falls
Let thy waters forever flow over me
While the mist lets me escape into the safety of your arms

Finished Art Work by © John Sparks

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

As I stand looking into your mist of darkness
Life returns by the shore for me
Once youthful and full of hope

Life was dreaming of Sailors and young Marines
For which the dance would begin
While another stood in the waning mist

Never capturing a heart from one
To last a lifetime of love
I moved onto another shore

Now years have passed and I look
To the shore once more
Where a world away lays a war

I call on your misty night and calming waters
To lift my heavy heart
Bring back those times of peace

Return those who have crossed your water
To another shore far from home
Bring them back to a shore of peace

Art By John Sparks

poem by © Tobie

Monday, December 05, 2005

“Hey God” Can we talk ?

Chapter 13

I’m pulled here tonight, eyes swollen from my tears of fear and horror. Scared more than I have ever been, my arms reaching for the one true thing in my life and yes it is you God. I need you more tonight than ever before, I need for you to understand me and my fears. It seems in one way that I have no faith in you when these fears take root in my heart. Is that the evil working against you I ask? Is that the evil that has these manic people killing anyone they can and using your name to declare their justice and revenge?
I know that you will not place more than I can handle, but don’t you think my limit has been reached? Lordy I do. I know before when I faced all this you sent a special person to me to help get me through all these terrible times and I feel selfish and unworthy asking you to help me bear all this, when my son and other’s sons have a much greater need than I. Last night I realized some of what it takes for a man to face battle and God you know I would never measure up to half that much. Having to leave the ones who fill their lives with joy to a land far away, never knowing where or when danger will explode by them. Oh boy now that is courage that I can’t even imagine enduring and I ask myself, why then do I feel so weak and unbelieving. In the last few days you have been here and you’ve seen the tears and fear that I am so over filled with, why then can I not lay it aside and just put all my faith in you, knowing that you have the power to intercede when needed. Don’t go getting mad at me now, its not the time you know, I want to feel peace in my heart and I can’t. You got any ideas that might work? I know evil is here on earth by mans choosing of long ago, Lordly I sure wish they had made a better decision back then.
Can I ask you a huge favor please? Can you help end this war? Can you reach the hearts of those so filled with hate that want to harm others? Also may I ask you why they believe that twenty virgins will be waiting for them in heaven? What good is that? I really think that people of all faith can live peacefully on this great place you gave us if they would only try, but man I got to tell you my heart is Harding against many of them, it’s awfully hard to turn the other cheek long bout now. Yeah, that’s gonna get me a knuckle job huh? I’ll be here listing to you real close. I need to hear the soft whispers of you, brush my heart and soul, bringing that peace that only you can fill one with. Remember that I love you and again thank you for the good friends I have found, I bet you lead them to me huh? You knew I needed someone; it’s just so good to count on you God. The one true factor of my life, I’ll be talking to you soon ok? Till then watch over our Soldiers and know they love you and fight for the freedom to choose good over evil, so please lean on the enemy more.