Tuesday, July 26, 2005

The Old Rocking Chair

She sat quietly in her old and worn rocking chair. Savoring every moment and every memory. She had rocked each of her children from the time of their birth. As they had grown, she would comfort them with the soft creaking of the old chair. After they were grown she had kept the old chair and consoled herself in comfort and all the warm memories, living through time as though each were new. She loved this old chair, and for all that it meant. Today had come and she had long dreaded its coming.Today, they would soon be here, as she tried to put it out of her mind, she did not want to leave, but the children thought it was best, as they were all busy with now raising their own families. They said she did not need to be alone now and that she needed to have someone close now that she was getting old. Her sickness had come swiftly and really with no warning. She knew in her heart it was best, but still letting go was so very hard. She knew in her heart there was not much left to do. She had made her way to this time in destiny.The children had come and taken her to see where she would live now, they thought it best and that she would get the best care. They had made sure to ask all the right questions and had called to see if they were a reputable place. They had come with a very high rating, so the children were satisfied that she would receive the very best of care. She knew it would not matter, as she heard the car drive up. No she was not ready to leave and the children would be so impatient with her. Not understanding how hard this was. Leaving her home and going to live among strangers, in a foreign place was not to her liking. She could only take some small personnel things; she had tried to gather them, holding each one close. Looking around this place she had grown to love, she could only gather those memories closeFor now the time had come to say goodbye to this old wonderful home. The children had sold it now. Someone new would get to live and make new memories. Quietly she hoped that some of the warm memories would linger long after she was gone. She hoped the new people would sense the love that had filled this old house with all those warm memories floating into their life and give them comfort as it had given her.How did she say goodbye to this place now as she slowly got up out of the old rocking chair. Her heart pounding she slowly opened the door and let the children in.Where had the time gone so quickly, seems like she was just entering here, time had passed fast and now had caught up with her. The children gathering her things, ready to go stood impatiently waiting on her. Please she asked give me a moment I will be out soon, as they left quietly, she went to her old chair and stood looking at the one thing she would miss most was her old rocking chair. The children said that she could not take it so she would leave it for the new people and hope it would comfort them and their children as it had her. She put out her hands to gently stroke and caress the worn old arms and said goodbye my friend as she quietly closed the door.
Dedicated to a very lovely woman, Teresa, who is in heaven now
© Tobie Haga Roy


Carolyn said...

It's so sad to see a life come to a near close. I wish she could have taken the chair. So sad.

Carolyn said...

P.S. It's good to see you writing on your blog again :)

Anonymous said...

I love this. It pulls at the heart and in light of the fact that our family has undergone such radical changes in the past year that all have to do with giving up the places we love, moving ahead with our lives in spite of our troubles and missing the ones who have gone ahead of us, it resonates deeply.

From My Pen said...

Thanks easywriter, change can be hard, when we lost my Dad our wholes lives were never the same, losing Mom was the final destrution of it and now we each move in our own world rarely ever connecting. Life moves on as you say, the choice we make effect a lot of people. Thanks for stopping by.:)