Monday, February 05, 2007

This was my latest painting done for my new Daughter-in-law. I had to crop the bottom of the painting off as glare from the camera was terrible and this was the best shot she got when she copied it for me. I'm not a good artist or even close to a fair one , but I sure love trying, so hope that someone will enjoy the view. Posted by Picasa


Carolyn said...

This is gorgeous, Tobie! Stop selling yourself short-- your work is beautiful and you are amazingly talented! I wouldn't even attempt something like this unless I were coloring from a coloring book, lol! It's beyond me how you can make the flowers seem so real, with the shadows and lines, etc.

Aside from the big ugly picture hung over my fireplace, which I only got because I like the frame, lol, the only other one I've hung in the whole house is the one you did for me. It's in the living room. I need batteries and a new card for my camera, which I'll get soon. Then I'll take a pic and show you.

Again Tobie, this is beautiful! I bet you could paint vases and glass bowls. I think this one would be pretty on a vase :)

John said...

It's Awesome!! You really did a great job with this Painting! It's just beautiful.
Thanks for sharing it.

Carolyn said...

Hey Tobie,
Long time no posts! Hope you are ok?!