Sunday, April 30, 2006

With a pledge of love
She joined him in marriage

With the promise of tomorrow
Her life began anew
Her heart now belonged
To a tomorrow with him

Children soon arriving
A home to make
Cooking and cleaning
Chores never ending

Now she stands strong
While honor has bound her
Her pledge of love grows stronger

A world away he sits in a war
Thinking of her and his children
While she sits at home thinking of him

Her resolve grows each day
As she waits for a letter or call
Counting days and months till his return

Her vows keep her strong
While her memories keep him close
She will keep the home fires burning
And when she sleeps his pillow she will cling

After all she is an extraordinary woman
Married to an extraordinary man
Her soldier she does await his return


Anonymous said...

Indeed, truer words have never been spoken. ~Charlie

Carolyn said...

Hi Tobie,
That was a beautiful tribute to Sarah! I'm sure this has to be extremely hard on her. My prayers are with you and your family that Troy will remain safe and be home safe and sound very soon!

LZ Blogger said...

Tobie ~ I would have loved to have this poem some 36+ years ago as my new bride awaited my return, while I trudged through the rice paddies of the Mekong Delta! Wonderfully written. Thanks for sharing. ~ jb///

Anonymous said...

yes indeed she is a special person. after all she puts up with me and lets me live my dreams. she has given me so much and i have returned so little. but the thought of her more than anything keeps me on my toes. and my dreams of her keep me longing to return. TROY

Anonymous said...

this is a beautiful and true poem. i thank troy for making sarah happy and visa versa. and i thank god you and troy are apart of our family. dee

From My Pen said...

Thank all of you for stopping in and sharing a moment with me about a lovely gal who is my Daughter-in-law.

Anonymous said...

That is the most beautiful thing I have read in a while the tears were flowing....Susie. (sister of the extraordinary woman.)

From My Pen said...

Thanks Susie, my wish for you is to find a really good man and have a wonderful life. :)