Thursday, January 11, 2007

A soft gentle whisper comes from the depth of my soul

As I feel the cries of my fellow countrymen and women
Bickering over who is right or wrong

Our Armies are great and with unmeasured strength

Resolute in the great task at hand
Our trust and support is needed strongly now

As they are once more commanded to fight

A fight with no end it seems in sight
With pride and honor they march in the fight for Freedom

As the whisper of our Countries soul cry out Oh Lord

As those oppressed fight for the Freedom they long
Deter those who create the bloodshed and violence

Let the silent whispers reach your heart Oh Lord

Grant to all a blessing of peace and serenity
Let wisdom fill the powerful Leaders

A soft gentle whisper comes from the depth of my soul

Oh Lord, please hear our pleas
Comfort us in the hour of our needs

© Tobie Haga Roy

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