Monday, May 28, 2007

Jack leaving for Iraq

This is my Son-in-law Jack, he leaves on June 7th for Iraq. I ask if you pass through these pages you will send prayers up for him and all the others there doing their duty for us. God Bless and keep him while his journey takes him away from home. Here is his Bird, along with his Dad and I might add his Dad is one proud man. Jack with his Mom (you know she's proud ) and then Jack, Charlie and the girls (and anyone knowing Charlie and the girls will know pride shines on their faces ). I really don't know how I came to love him so much, but my heart found room for another son and yes oh yes I am very proud of him.

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Through the dark of night, do not fear

When the Sun has cast its last glow
Follow with steadfastness and resolve

Hold tight thy Faith in Spirit

Confirm thy love by deeds
Cast your troubles across the darkness

With the rays of light sprinkling the Heavens

Look out upon the Land
Feel the Hand that lifts you this day

Walk freely through the fields of life

Seeking wisdom and strength
Though your pathway be trodden

His strength will never leave you

Call upon his name
As you stumble, He will pick you up
© Tobie