Sunday, December 18, 2005

A Mothers Prayer

She sits quietly along with her thoughts

A child far away is drawing her heart
Tugging the threads that bound them

Weaving words of love that run silently
Asking for protection and guidance for him
This day, as she feels his spirit close

Wisdom has taught her patience
Prayer has given her solace
As she ask God to watch over him

A tear falls down her cheek
As she ask that if it is to be
Please spare her son ,for she has lived

She is satisfied with her works here
He has much left to do
A wife and children wait for him

As a warm comfort comes over her
She utters a small sound
His will be done this day I pray
© Tobie Haga Roy

Picture by © Robert Pollerana


Carolyn said...

Tobie, have a wonderful Christmas and New Year, filled with peace and safety for your family. That is my wish for you. :)

P.S. I hope you got my card :)

From My Pen said...

Thank you Carolyn, I hope life will be good to you this new year. Thanks for the card, it brightened my day. :)