Thursday, May 11, 2006

To This Day

As the wind rustles through tops
Of the huge Oaks, keeping them
Swaying gently to and fro

While gentle mist of soft rain drops fall
Comes the leaves of golden color
Floating down, their work done

You come gently floating through
Letting me know of your great strength
Stirring the core of me awake

It is with wonder as I sit and feel
Your magnificent power, brush my face
I bow my head in silent prayer
To this day, you have granted me once more

© Tobie Haga Roy


Anonymous said...

hey this is a good one ma. everyday is a gift and we should all be thankfull that we get a new one each morning

From My Pen said...

Thanks son. I love it when we get to connect from a world away, even though you are always near in spirit. Love ya, Mom

LZ Blogger said...

VERY NICE! ~ jb///

LZ Blogger said...

Sorry... forgot to wish you a HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY! ~ jb///

From My Pen said...

Thanks LZ for the visit and wishes. Hope your day is good. Thanks for the kind words on poem.:)

Carolyn said...

Tobie, I loved the imagery of the leaves and the rain in this one. It feels "soft" and yet emotes a great strength at the same time.

Happy Mothers Day!!

From My Pen said...

Thanks my friend, good to see you, same back to you for Mom's day.:)