Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Don't speak for me Cindy Sheehan

I am so fed up with this story and her road to fame. What does the word Noble mean ? In case you don't really know here is the definition at Dictionary.com


adj 1: having high moral qualities; "a noble spirit"; "a solid citizen"; "an upstanding man"; "a worthy successor" [syn:
solid, upstanding, worthy- Solid---Upstanding and dependable: a solid citizen,-- upstanding, ---adj : having high moral qualities; "a noble spirit"; "a solid citizen"; "an upstanding man"; "a worthy successor". Ok you get my drift right?

I am the Mother of an Army man and a Mother-in-law to a fine young man who flies Helicopters for the Army. Yes I have earned the right to speak. If either of these two fine young men were taken out while in Iraq or any service in the Army I would be more than upset and probably would never get over the loss. I understand her pain and somewhat understand her anger. She needs to remember her son for the good he did, the honor for which he served and did what was asked of him. Like my son says he knew the cost when he signed the dotted line, cold yes it is, but truth is what it says.

I am sure that I am not the only Mother who feels that she is dishonoring her son, SHE DOES NOT HAVE THE RIGHT TO SPEAK FOR ME as you see I am quite capable of doing it and doing it well.

Where was she when all the talk was a buzz in Washington before the war, why did she not speak and cause this ruckus then, I would have joined her then. I"m speaking of late September before the war, as my Daughter was still in the Army also. I sent open letters to the PRESIDENT to all the major newspapers and they all refused to publish what I wrote then, as sure as I am now that if only it leads to something big its not news in their books and lets face it, my opinion didn't matter then and probably not now. The question I asked then was, that I wanted absolute proof of those ill begotten MASS DESTRUCTION WEAPONS BEFORE ONE LIFE WAS LOST. I wanted to know absolute proof that Saddam was a danger to Our Country. I sent an email to some trying to stir interest but to no avail, I tried to ask for proof, if he was a THREAT TO OUR GREAT COUNTRY, I damn well wanted to see it. No one listened nor cared then. No I didn't ask for the U N to bless this war. I wanted truth before it had a chance to start, from one man only, THE COMMANDER IN CHIEF, who would start this ACTION.

Don't you wonder why this all happened, I do many times and as I asked then or rather said, that Mr. Bush our President wanted revenge for Saddam trying to have Daddy killed, bet I'm not far off folks. You can offer up your opinion and dwell on this subject for years if you live that long, but for me, I truly believe it was not for Oil, or profit, only for revenge for dear Old Daddy.

I will close this with the words of Wisdom from my young son; I'm well trained, well supplied and capable of doing a good job for my country. What man would not lay down his life for his Country?

War has been since the beginning of time, ( remember Cain and Able ) after all Eve did start the wheels in motion. Some idiot will always come along to start one without ever thinking of who they hurt, as long as they achieve what they want.

I don't want to hear anymore from Cindy Sheehan.


Anonymous said...

It's good to hear views from other's besides Cindy Sheehan. God bless the men in your family who serve and the men and women of all those other families who do too.

Lone Ranger said...

What happened is that people like you and people like you in Congress wanted Bush to give peace a chance. They wanted the UN, the most corrupt organization on earth, to handle it. So instead of rolling over the border of Afghanistan into Iraq, Bush diddled around with the UN for 18 months, giving Saddam time to stash those weapons any place he could. The question I have is when in the entire history of mankind has a brutal dictator been pursuaded through diplomacy to change his bloody ways? We have had to pay a bigger price in lives and treasure, not because we didn't give peace a chance, but because we waited too long to wage war.

From My Pen said...

Thanks easywriter for stopping in. Yes more views are needed and not in like this dramatic view of hers, where she is bringing out the Bush Haters.Honest views are good and can be respond to, but for me the likes of her need to go. Then my Son would say "Mom, I'm here defending her rights to say what she wants" go figure right!!

From My Pen said...

Hey Lone Ranger, (What happened is that people like you) Whoa up old boy. Read the post once more!!!! Did I mention the Great U N. NOT ONCE so don't pack me in like a sardine and you can devour in one bite,cause I"ll give you one hell of a case of HEARTBURN.
I recently posted this on a blog for a response they had going on, to silently march on Washington. I also do get angry and I for one would like truth, nothing but the truth. I for one know it will never come (at least not in my lifetime ) to be, I think somewhere along the way Washington has forgotten where to find truth and live by it. Our value system is so long gone and yes many think of us as Bully's of the Universe, I ask myself if in many ways is this not true, for if it were not we would find war would have been the last option on the list. we need to vote and get new blood in All of Washington, not just the White House. The people who have been in office for years need to go, get some fresh blood and thinking, maybe they will listen to WE THE PEOPLE OF THIS GREAT
We must find a better way to end the war than the Hatred that is starting to consume this great country, peace is a blessing to each one of us and we must follow the Soldiers who fight to bring that peace, don't tarnish that Honor while you try to change views of our country.
So as You can See, I can speak for Myself.:)

From My Pen said...

anonymous # 4 keep your spam and if you would be so kind close the door when you leave, don't you come back no more no more, hit the road anonymous and don't come back :)

Anonymous said...

So many emotions, heartbreak and divisions in war...I wish your letters and concerns would have been heard before all this started...God bless your son and son-in-law and thank them for all they do for us! Salute guys!~ Seems it would have been a good idea for gw to have cs up to the ranch for prayer ... Maybe they could have prayed for God to give them both wisdom and peace with the pain and sadness of war...It's very sad that it has come to this, instead of a mother who has buried a son, an America hero. She is portrayed in two different lights. Both as anti-war and as a mom who wants answers. We all want answers, and we want the truth and we seek it and we still find more information that leads us to keep seeking what we are really doing in Iraq... Two sides...We do both there, both good and also harm... That's the truth of it. Seems hard to find a middle ground. So many people judge her, it's hard to tell who she really is and where her heart stands without knowing her. It's a shame that it comes out to be as anti-war for that hurts our troops morale, and that's a big no-no. Our military men and women give their lives for us all to live in a better world. Regardless of the politic's... Serving God and country will always be a noble and honorable service. I believe that it's in the heart of each person to know their is a God in heaven. And He is, and always has been in control of all that happens in our world. If more people would get busy praying, things would be different. Whole nations fell dead when they went against God's people..Who are God's people now? How many really pray these days? If people would really support our troops, they would find better ways of helping when they come home. Care packages and troop support are great and needed... But, what do our vet's and military personal get when they come back home? Endless red tape, sickness, ptsd, bankruptcy, ect.... There is where a big problem lays... I don't see the people who rally and march standing in line to work at a VA hospital? I don't see too many concerned about the use of DEPLETED URAINUM! A poison being used and spread in our ammo? The world stays silent on what they chose not to see. And again, spends time, money and energy on sending the wrong message to those who protect us all. To those who willing... give their lives, hearts and souls to other's. To some, that find time to march and send the wrong message... But, no time to really change things for those who give it all! Day in and day and for their rest of their lives our troops will live with this war, pray for them... If your going to march, march for our men and women coming home to be taken care of, retrained and educated to live a new life because they now live with missing limbs and the many trauma's of war! Help to defend our defenders...March for our vets to have the benefits they so deserve and have been denied! March for the children who have no voice, lock the child molesters away from those they harm...March against DEPLETED URAINUM... Look into what that is... and be prepared for the sickness that is to come... Get educated as councilors for POST TRAMATIC STRESS DISORDER... Find a cause that makes things better in this world and change it for the better, for the time we're here, be a voice for those who have none... Our troops will come home when God brings them home, no amount of marching is going to change what He has already planned. God bless, protect and fill our troops with His love and peace, in Jesus name we pray...Love and hugs Bbmom, www.troopsmom.com


From My Pen said...

To all of You Damnable anonymous people who leave their dirt behind. Get A Life of your own or a blog and spam yourself till your heart is content.:)

From My Pen said...

Hey troopsmom, glad to see you made it and Amen to helping our Soldiers. Love and hugs back at you.:)

Grapeshot/Odette said...

Just happened onto your blog when doing "next blog." I respect your opinion and get very upset when people practice horrible "netiquette" and "flame" someone who posits a perfectly reasonable point of view. Whatever happened to manners? I see this all the time. I am a fellow writer and wish you good luck, and keep on truckin'.


From My Pen said...

Thanks for the visit Grapeshot, I will pay your site a visit. :)

Carolyn said...

Hi Tobie,
You emailed me come over and help you with Spam. I see you took care of that pretty well on your own :D

I also see you said this post is in response to a post you saw about a silent march on Washington. You got that from my blog. I'm not sure what to say, except that I agree with SOME of your thinking here and some I do not, as I am sure you know :)

The "silent march" as I understand it is supposed to be just that, not a malicious violent attack of any sort. I didn't read that as the plan at all. I'm not sure where you got that idea, but I'd like for you to send me the URL so I can see it for myself where it's aim is to cause trouble at the White House. I don't like Bush, his ways, and I'm not a fan of the war, but someone did strike the US first and THAT is who needs to be punished.

As for Sheehan, I feel sorry for her, I see part of her point as I do yours, but not all of what she's doing is necessary or right. But, as your son would say, she has that right as he is fighting to protect it for her. Where is the honor of going against what he is standing up to protect? Please don't lump all of us Democrats into the same "hate" category. I don't lump all Bush supporters together as ass holes.

I know we know each other well enough that we agreed to disagree on some issues, and I hope that still stands. But if not, it isn't because of me.

From My Pen said...

Hey Carolyn, no this post came from me just being plan old ticked off with the news of Cindy and now those coming out in support for Bush, not the Troops. Damn when will we all be together on just 1 simple issue, Our Soldiers need us to support them not a little bit not half a country, but 199% all the time. Be you a Dem or Repub. it makes no difference support them, and try to find peace that they are fighting for right here, right now.
I know your beliefs and they are not so different than mine, I respect you and your rights and beliefs. Love, ME :)
P.S. I did do a post on that subject from that site, its called Spouting Off I reckon and yes I did find the link from your posting, I hope that was ok.

18 Spammers in 1 day, hope tomorrow is better, reckon maybe someone could start a contest to see who gets spammed the most lol.

Carolyn said...

Hey lady,
Thanks for the link. I read those comments a while back but I still don't see anything about a violent uprising or anything. If it were peacefully done, I don't see the harm, as it is a constitutional right of freedom to do that and that is what we are at war fighting to protect. I do think it would be out of perspective to expect as many people as they are talking about to march in quiet unison w/out some a-hole causing a scene, either from outside the march or within. It's human nature when you get that many together that s***'s gonna fly! LOL! (Maybe I should go back and comment that :) There are certainly as many registered Republicans that admit to having voted for Bush that wish now they hadn't, for various reasons.

There are people in both parties for and against Bush whose actions give their party a bad reputation. All the rest of us can do is hold our head high, rise above, and be civilized.

I'm glad you arent lumping me, LOL! I didn't mean "you" in that sense. I've read other extreme Right blogs that do lump everyone in different categories to match the subject their complaining about. To me, that is small, narrow thinking. Anyway, you and I are cool 'cause we have bigger minds and more intelligence to think with than those a-hole men do anyway. LOL! And I have learned a lot from you too, Tobie, about my Dad's pov of fighting for his country through how you speak of Troy. Thank you :)

For anonymous spam: Go into your blog settings, under comments, and where it says "Who can comment?" click Only Registered Users. I hope that helps. If not, put a nasty message top of your page like I did on my story pages. I haven't seen them since, hehe!!

From My Pen said...

Thanks Carolyn, I din't mean to imply any violence was to be, sorry if any got that impression. I am neither Democrat nor Republican, I tend to go with the republicans as some not all Dems, seem to be just plain old mean and nasty, hard to reason with. My Mother was a Dem,(now she could be some kind of hardnosed) my Dad an Independent(easy going and a good listner ) and that is where I sit, I'll listen to both sides and make up my own mind when time comes to do. I sure wish we had a real nuetral office so that all this arguring could just stop for 4 years and no hassle would be for that whole time. What a relief, where's the Rolaids please???

Ca... said...

Give 'em hell, kid! I'm with you!!

From My Pen said...

Hey C a, nice to see you, thanks I will try hard.:)